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At 16 SEP 2002 12:45:25AM Carl Harris wrote:

We are attempting to deploy an upgrade.

The changes from 1 Sep are selected correctly and saved in the repository view.

When the deployment is run, Sysupgrade is created but nothing is saved in it. We have tried using deployments (much larger) which were successful in the past but these deployed nothing as well. The deployment does not crash and finishes normally. It just ignores all the entities to be extracted. We checked SysReposViews and the entities are listed there.

We have tried rebuilding the System Indexes and scan rep.

Any suggestions.

At 16 SEP 2002 04:06AM Richard Bright wrote:

Which version of OI16?

At 16 SEP 2002 03:44PM Carl Harris wrote:

We are using 3.7.5.

This was working fully 5 days ago and has now suddenly stopped.

At 16 SEP 2002 04:47PM Richard Bright wrote:

Usual cause of RDK Extract failing is Sysrepos index corruption / orpan entity. But you say that you have run the Scan Repository and that is clean, that you have recompiled Sysrepos Index and re-synched the stored proceedures. Apart from doing a check thru the system for GFE there is nothing obvious.

The test is always -

1. Create a new repository view in the RDK

2. Create a deployment definition, using the Repository view as module,

3. Run the extract

4. Attach the extract volume and inspect contents of SYSUPGRADE.

(but I guess you know all that).

If I was desparate to identify the source of the problem I would step thru the RDK code. Sorry, not much help at this stage.

Richard Bright

At 16 SEP 2002 05:59PM Carl Harris wrote:

Found the error.

Went thru and removed items one by one from the deployment definition.

Located the error in the event executibles.

A single create event was causing RDK to skip everything and then display success.

Went in and recomplied this one create event and all is now fine.

Very very strange that no error messages or warnings came thru.

At 17 SEP 2002 05:47AM Richard Bright wrote:

Great. Always reassuring that processes do work!

Richard Bright

BrightIdeas New Zealand

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