Running Display - Listbox (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 10 FEB 2006 11:39:59AM Anders Lindholt wrote:
I have created a simpel list_box with a lot of text in it. The text is greater than the list_box areal. The list_box is displayed with an vertical scroll bar.
With the timer event I am able to move the vertical scroll bar, but - and here is the q, how do I link the verical scroll bar with the text in the list_box, so the text move along with the scroll bar?
Any help ?
At 10 FEB 2006 11:56AM's Don Bakke wrote:
Have you tried using the SELECTION property?
At 11 FEB 2006 11:15AM Anders Lindholt wrote:
Thanks Don,
I didn't used the selection property, but I split the record up in right size.
but - thanks anyway !