OI hanging NT4 server, win95 ws, all network driver 1.5,LH service (OpenInsight Specific)
At 26 JUL 2000 06:49:32AM Michael Norton wrote:
This one has had me stumped for a few months now. We have 2 site running same OI app both on NT network one has no problem the other is continually hanging (no pattern).
We thought we had the solution the other day after trawling through the LH service log. We decided to change all the READ's to look up tables to READO (Read Only). The following two days of work on site(approx 6 users) was fine only a couple of hangings but since then the number of hangs has gradually increased back to what it was before we took the log (approx 30 - 50 times a day).
We have streamlined the App so that it is postively anorexic. We are rapidly coming to the conclusion that the problem lies with the sites network of which we have no control.
We have previously suggested that the network is the culprit but as with most network managers they are adament it is the software.
We need to go armed with facts to show that the network is the problem.
Is there anyone out there that has taken on the network manager and won. Can you provide the black and white prove we require. Any pointers accepted
Many thanks
At 27 JUL 2000 02:38PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Michael ..
Sometimes it's very hard to pursuade the network folks that they've got something wrong. Here's what we have done under these circumstances:
1. Point them to several sites that are running the same (or very similar) application using the same base Network configuration (NT4.0,NPP, NT Service, etc.).
2. Make sure that the workstation configurations are the same. There are several threads about problems with NT4 & service pack problems. Print copies of this to make sure that these are not the issues you're dealing with.
3. Make sure that CONFIG.NT and its equivalents on the workstations have sufficient resources and file handles (FILES=200, etc.).
4. If you're using AREV, make sure that Write-Behind caching is turned off. Yeah .. I know the NPP is supposed to do this, but I'd force it anyway.
5. Make sure that Screen Savers (particularly 3-D ones) aren't active.
6. Check for server-based virus protection (particularly Sophos) which seems to lock things up.
If all this fails, hire someone to shoot them. You can get this done in New Jersey for chump change.
Don Miller
C3 Inc.