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At 21 JUL 1999 10:56:36AM Richard Evans wrote:

We have an ARev 3.12 system, with NLM ver 1.12 running on a Novell 3.12 server.

If I want to connect an NT machine (running OI for web enablement), what, if any, network products do I need to install?

At 22 JUL 1999 09:06AM Tony Marler @ Prosolve Software wrote:


Assuming that your NT Server has Internet Information Server running you should just be able to purchase the Web Deployment Pack WDP. This needs to be installed on the NT box and to access tables on the Novell Server.

You will need to upgrade your NLM to version 1.5 to get this to run properly. This is a free upgrade from NLM 1.12 I believe. Then ensure the copy of OI running on the NT box (the one tha comes in the WDP pack ) has the new 1.5 IPX Netware driver loaded

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