Get data from OpenInsight 8.01 to .NET (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 17 APR 2012 09:44:35AM Peter Hedberg wrote:
We have a client with an application built on OpenInsight 8.01. They want us to make our ASP.NET web application to communicate with their application.
Where do I start? I found an ODBC driver, but it seems to be read only and that's not enough.
At 17 APR 2012 01:37PM Robert Catalano wrote:
Hi Peter,
Upgrade to OpenInsight 9.3.1 and use NetOI. Click HERE to see the NetOI Quick Start Guide.
Robert Catalano | Revelation Software
Director of Sales
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At 24 APR 2012 05:06AM s smith wrote:
I recall getting data to pass both ways from a web page in 2004 or so using REVCAPI.DLL (?) or something like that.
I even posted the VB code here in this forum to do it. Wouldn't be surprised if it had been deleted.
I recall demoing it for a Melbourne payroll bureau.
At 25 APR 2012 09:43AM bob carten wrote:
NetOI is the most straightforward approach. As Bob Catalano says, it is not available before version 9.3. If you cannot upgrade to latest version, the next easiest approach is to implement a web service in OpenInsight on an internal server, have your call that service. The documentation should contain a description of a feature called OECGI2. OECGI2 supplies the plumbing for web connectivity. Once you have connectivity the next step is to write an OpenInsight routine to support the web service.
RevCap32.dll is the C interface to Openinsight. You can write a .Net connector using that. However you supply connectivity, you will still need to write an web-service like OpenInsight stored procedure to accept requests and package the responses.
At 26 APR 2012 08:28AM Carl Pates wrote:
And there's also xRev.dll which is anActiveX control that wraps RevCAPI.DLL to talk OpenInsight directly. I think this is what Steve was referring to aboce when he mentioned RevCAPI - you'll find his article in this copy of SENL.
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 26 APR 2012 08:46AM Carl Pates wrote:
Ignore that link - for some reason the forum has made it relative to this site - must have left off the http: when embedding (or perhaps MS Clippy helped me…) :sad:
Here's the proper URL: Carl Pates Sprezzatura The Sprezzatura Blog World leaders in all things RevSoft
</QUOTE> —- === At 17 MAY 2012 04:09PM s smith wrote: === <QUOTE>That Eric guy sure stole a lot of my code. Well 70 lines of it at least. </QUOTE> View this thread on the forum...