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some entry points for one application (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)

At 21 MAR 2005 07:12:41AM Le wrote:

Hello, can I make some icons on my desktop to run one application using different entry points?

Here is a command line which I use to start an application - Q:\REVSOFT\OI4\OINSIGHT.EXE /ap=EXAMPLES /UN=EXAMPLES

Is it possible to add the name of the form to the end of this line to specify it? I do not want to make another application because of the memory limit.

                                            Thanks a lot.

At 21 MAR 2005 10:55AM Matt Sorrell wrote:


I believe different users can have differing entry points, and the username is a parameter of the startup. Just create multiple users, the only difference being the entry point.

Then, create your shortcuts to log in as those users.

That should work.

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

At 21 MAR 2005 11:13AM Le wrote:

Yes, I've tried to create another user, but I don't know how to define different entry points for different users. I think it can be only one, isn't it?

At 21 MAR 2005 11:17AM Simon G Wilmot wrote:

I am not aware of being able to define separate entry points for different users. In order to do a similar function I have a hidden entry point window and call different areas of the system dependant on the username (@username).


At 21 MAR 2005 11:24AM Matt Sorrell wrote:

Ah, okay. My apologies.

Perhaps I was getting confused with ARev, but I thought I had read something about separate entry points on the forum.

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

At 21 MAR 2005 11:31AM Donald Bakke wrote:


I believe Simon's approach is what you will need to do. The entry point is defined in the SYSAPPS table. In order to capture the additional command line parameter you will want to use the GetCommandLine API function. Note that the link points to a post on the Works site.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 21 MAR 2005 11:53AM Donald Bakke wrote:


I should have also mentioned the SET_APP_INFO and APP_REPOS_APP functions which allows you to modify the information stored in the SYSAPPS table. I haven't tried this but you might be able to use it in the startup procedure for the application (check out ENV_STARTUP_PROC$ in the ENVIRON_CONSTANTS insert) and reset the entry point dynamically as each user logs in. Even if it could work, I'm not sure how multiple users logging in at the same time would be handled.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 21 MAR 2005 12:07PM Matt Sorrell wrote:

From a theoretical standpoint, couldn't you add your own table that stored the startup object for each user account, with a default object for accounts with a "null" in this field? The startup object for the app could then be a code routine that queries this table and then opens the necessary object.

This is basically the same as Simon's approach, but with a table-driven approach instead of a hard-coded approach.

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

At 22 MAR 2005 01:51AM Le wrote:

Thanks a lot for everybody. I think, the most simple way is to create a hidden window.

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