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At 26 AUG 1998 04:18:57PM Eduardo R. Murphy wrote:

I hava a database-bound field and a user defined conversion that, given a code returns its description. I want to display the converted value, but I can't get OpenInsight writing the ICONVed value (it writes the OCONVed value, or does not write it at all!) How can I achieve this? (This was possible in Advanced Revelation)

At 27 AUG 1998 08:45AM Cameron Revelation wrote:


Yup, I know what you are talking about. I did that all the time in Advanced Revelation. The code would be in @record but the displayed value wouldn't be the code … using a custom conversion the code would get looked up and the description would be displayed!

Here's the difference: In OpenInsight, there is no underlying @record which is maintained "behind" the form. Instead, the controls themselves hold the values. As a result, this feature is more complex to implement in OpenInsight than it was in Advanced Revelation. You do have some additional options as well, though.

1. The easiest way to get identical behavior is to use two controls, one which is database bound and hidden (i.e. acting as the @record) and one which is not bound and is visible (i.e. acting as the display value).

2. Most of the time, with a fairly small set of codes, it is better to use a drop down list box which displays all of the code descriptions, and have that list box be not bound but have a corresponding bound hidden bound drop down list box with the codes corresponding to the descriptions. It is like #1 above but no iconv/oconv needed since the two lists are in sync.

If you need more clarification of these or help implementing them, let me know.

Best of luck,

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

At 27 AUG 1998 12:01PM DSig (SigSolutions) wrote:


The only problem with you fix (#1) is that OI forms are limited to 115 controls (+- several). We have several forms which have 10-15 codes/desc pairs .. this would involve an additional 10-15 controls which we just can't afford.

Can you see the problem of control limit and the problem of Iconv/Oconv being fixed?

thanks ..


David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

At 01 SEP 1998 11:13PM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

Lately, I've been loading values into the LIST property and the codes into the MISC property. On the save, check and match from the various properties. Of course, these are non-bound forms using a rather unique write logic code.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


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