Arev NOM 1.5 (Networking Products)
At 21 JUL 1998 08:07:31AM Ken Procious wrote:
I am currently running NLM version 1.12.
How do I get the 1.5 version.
Thanks in advance.
At 21 JUL 1998 09:31AM Gary Hawks - Revelation wrote:
Hi Ken,
Below are the instructions for getting the NLM 1.5 upgrade. This information comes from the Product Info section of our web site.
NLM 1.5 Upgrade
If you are currently running the Revelation NLM 1.12 or above, the upgrade to version 1.5 is free. To receive your upgrade, please send an email to and provide the following registration information:
Company name
Contact name
Address, City, State and zip code
Phone number
Serial number (required)
Upon receipt of your request and registration information, Revelation will email you the NLM 1.5 upgrade. For those customers with no access to email, the upgrade is also available on diskette for a $15 shipping and handling fee (U.S. and Canadian customers only). Please call our Customer Service Department at 617-577-0300 or 800-262-4747 to arrange for payment and shipment or for any questions regarding this upgrade process.
Gary Hawks
Revelation Software