Can't access spooler running RevG under Window NT (Networking Products)
At 22 FEB 1998 06:04:16PM Harv. Horsman wrote:
I have a client running my application using RevG and running on a
Window NT sever with 7 work stations.
Under DOS, none of their printer output prints through the spooler,
so that the application that's printing will only run a the printer's
I have been told the Microsoft has a Service Pack to deal with this
and have passed this info along to the client so that he can beat on
his hardware supplier. To date, no results.
Can anyone tell me if there is anything available from Microsoft to
rectify this?
At 22 FEB 1998 06:50PM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
Only thing I know is that in the printer stuff on the NT side, you have to map to an LPT port and check the 'I print from MS-DOS applications' box.
At 05 MAY 1998 09:22PM Simon wrote:
I have a client would like to run REVG on NT SERVER. Can you tell me which network driver should I use.