Can I add to the Cross Reference Default Stop List? (AREV Specific)
At 12 APR 2005 02:07:37PM Michael Slack wrote:
We're using AREV 3.12. I got a question from one of our Data Management Specialists with regards to building Cross Reference indexes and the Stop List Modes and the Default Stop List. I haven't been able to find the answer yet.The question boils down to, can we add to the Default Stop List or not? If so, where and how do I make a change like that?I understand about the Stop List Mode number 2 that allows us to use the Stop List plus any additional words. But the question is is we wanted to modify the Default Stop List so we didn't have to remember to continually add those extra words to the list of additional words to ignore.Thanks,
Michael Slack
At 12 APR 2005 02:22PM wrote:
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At 12 APR 2005 05:19PM Michael Slack wrote:
OK, I've got my dunce cap on. I had found that window and information by another method but didn't fully recognize it. So I'm feeling a little foolish but I picked up some useful information. So all in all not a bad trade-off.Thanks for your help.Michael Slack