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At 23 AUG 2012 11:32:33AM Ray Chan wrote:

We're experiencing some problem using the UTILITY function.

Is UTILITY_DOTNET available under OI 8.08? If it is we would like to give this a whack and see it makes things better.


Ray Chan

At 24 AUG 2012 08:18AM Jared Bratu wrote:

The DotNet interface for OpenInsight was a feature of OpenInsight 9.x and I don't think the function can be back ported to 8.x

Your discussion board access indicates you're a works member, you may be better assistance if you post the specifics of the UTILITY function problems to the Works support board.

At 24 AUG 2012 12:23PM Ray Chan wrote:

Hi Jared,

Thanks for the reply. FYI, I did present this question on the Works forum, but didn't get a response so I asked here and Voila! In fact, I didn't know about the UTILITY_DOTNET until Barry Stevens asked about it on the Works forum and requesting some documentation and I just jumped in :smile:

Thanks again,

Ray C

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