Windows 2000 and NTVDM Process (OpenInsight 16-Bit Specific)
At 18 AUG 2003 11:09:27AM ryan roux wrote:
We have just moved two of our servers from NT4 TSE to Windows 2000 w\Term Services enabled in Application Mode. Our version of OI is 3.7.5 (we are inpthe process of testing the 32 bit app). Our servers are Dell 1550's (dual 1 GHz processors and 1GB RAM). By the time we get about 7 or 8 users logged in, both of the processors are peaked and the NTVDM processes for each user are at the top of the list for processor usage. Anyone have any ideas besides upgrading to the 32 bit version! Thanks.
At 19 AUG 2003 05:38PM Steve Smith wrote:
Unfortunately, you can't change the 16 bit OI behaviour very much. Idle sensitivity on the Windows shortcut offers some relief (as does unchecking "Exclusive in Foreground").
The 32 bit upgrade is relatively painless and offers more options.
At 16 SEP 2003 08:23AM Colin Rule wrote:
Just a chance, but there is a check box on the shortcut to run in separate memory space. Try this as it has worked for me.