Putting to Sleep (AREV Specific)
At 03 AUG 2005 08:14:03PM P Cotter wrote:
We are in the process of migrating our AREV application into ACCPAC and CRM.
I have done a search of the knowledge base and there are some references to free export utilities, but there does not seem to be any reference to an ODBC driver for AREV, so that we can export the data in that manner.
Can some of the more enlightend members suggest the best way to extract our current data (taking into account multivalue fields), for import into a new package.
Thanks in advance
At 04 AUG 2005 04:47AM Simon G Wilmot wrote:
Hi Peter,
The best way of exporting your ARev data will very much depend on how you want the data importing into the target application. I am a believer that the best method of exporting is to write code to create CSV files in the required format …
At 04 AUG 2005 05:42AM support@sprezzatura.com wrote:
It seems likely that on a board sponsored by the software authors that the most common recommendation will be "don't leave the product but move to the Windows version instead". It seems a teeny bit cheeky to even pose the question here. Sort of like turning up at a BBQ and asking the guests advice how to sleep with the host's wife. ;)
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At 04 AUG 2005 10:24AM dsig _at_ sigafoos.org wrote:
in a 180 from Sprezz i have to say it is a good idea for people who don't know what they have to move to a different environment. They might still might not know what they have but at least they will know what they don't have .. unless they didn't know to begin with. Quite often we find that people moving from the MV environment to a 'real' database most often come back as their costs rise and rise.
Your best method of extracting data is to write the extractions. This is the only way to really get the data normalized.
At 04 AUG 2005 03:00PM Richard Hunt wrote:
Exporting is not hard at all. Just sequentially write the AREV record information using an ASCII variable length TAB or COMMA delimited format. That way you can import with ease.
Internal date formats and internal amount formats might cause a problem. Also multivalued fields might cause problems too.
Although, if the above does cause problems… like you are moving to something that can not handle multivalued fields, then well… gee… um… you do have a problem.
I would imagine that all of that was considered before the committment to change. If not… then you might reconsider.
At 04 AUG 2005 05:08PM P Cotter wrote:
I find the answers to this question to be overlty unhelpful.
Yes, the board may be sponsored by Revelation, but it seems that other people have asked this question previously and very helpful responses provided. Why in this instance have you decided to be soo unhelpful, that it makes me more than happy that I will be moving away from a AREV into another platform……
At 04 AUG 2005 05:49PM dbakke@srpcs.com's Don Bakke wrote:
How have the answers been "overtly unhelpful"? Seems to me that three people gave you good general answers and only one answer suggested that the question itself might be innappropriate for this forum.
If you have noticed that this question has been asked and answered before in a helpful way, then why did you need to ask the question again? Your comments are confusing.
Regarding the ODBC driver, you can acquire one from Revelation. Here is the link to the product information page.