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At 22 JUL 2008 08:16:11PM Bob Laqua wrote:

Currently using Arev 3.12 and is the only coding language I know.

What would be some prerequisite I should learn to help me tackle using OI and redesigning an Arev database. ?


At 23 JUL 2008 03:15AM wrote:

It depends how "Windows Like" you want your app to be. The best would be to take an OI course. The language is pretty much identical but the tools are different as are the concepts. You have to get used to an event driven paradigm. It'd be well to familiarise yourself with GUI design standards too by reading books such as "GUI Bloopers".

Finally take advantage of free online resources such as and

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 23 JUL 2008 08:15AM Dave Harmacek wrote:

At 23 JUL 2008 02:35PM Bob Laqua wrote:

Thanks I think both of them links will help.

I figured an OI course would be a must but if I unable to grasp the course info due to lack of knowledge then I would want to correct that first. I thought about taking a Visual Studio, C++ or Java course. But one of these courses would probably be like taking Russian to learn French. I'd end up with the syntax blues. :)

At 23 JUL 2008 05:54PM Ray Chan wrote:


You can definitely get by without Jave, C++, or Studio stuff. Get focus on OI. A good OI training course would be helpful.

Having converted our app from AREV to OI was a challenged and rewarding. Go for it. There are experts here who can really help give you a boost.

Come on and join the ride,

Ray Chan

At 24 JUL 2008 04:59PM's Don Bakke wrote:


Authorized Training Centers (ATCs) offer an Introduction to OpenInsight course which is heavily oriented toward the AREV developer wanting to learn OpenInsight. As Ray suggested, you do not need to take a course in another language. A good ATC will give you "best practices" advice when learning and converting to OpenInsight.

In our experience, AREV programmers struggle more with the GUI and event paradigm. Sprezz gave some good advice on preparing for GUI design (which is as much artistic skill as it is technical). Event processing is analogous to AREV processes, but it offers much more control and flexibility.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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