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At 22 NOV 2002 10:55:47PM Peter Walter wrote:

I have a MDI window containing a number of PUSHBMPS. On the CLICK event of each button, I would like to trigger the OMNIEVENT of the MDI window, passing the CtrlEntID and CtrlClassID of the button. Sees simple enough, but I have tried using a Quickevent, sending OMNIEVENT to MDIFRAME, and I have tried a script, trying both Send_Event and Post_Event. Nothing seems to work - the OMNIEVENT is never triggered. My script is three lines:

Declare Function Send_Event


Return 0

What am I doing wrong?


At 23 NOV 2002 01:39AM Donald Bakke wrote:


If you are using this code:

Declare Function Send_Event Unused=Send_Event(CtrlEntID1,".","OMNIEVENT",CtrlEntID,CtrlClassID) Return 0

Then CtrlEntID1,"." will give you the parent window of your button control, i.e. MDIACTIVE not MDIFRAME. You would want to do something like this:

Declare Function Send_Event

MDIFrame=Get_Property(@Window, "MDIFRAME")


Return 0

Alternatively you can use a QuickEvent (which I've tested in 4.12 and it works) by doing the following:

QuickEvent Options: General

Send Message to: Control/Window - @MDIFRAME

Message: EXECUTE

Parameters: whatever you want

Make sure that "Return value in" is blank in both comboboxes.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 25 NOV 2002 07:47PM Peter Walter wrote:


Thank you very much.


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