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At 03 SEP 2003 04:13:51PM Stephen Sutherland wrote:

I need to make a decision about replacing a Novell server with either a Windows server or a Linux server. This server is the only server in this office, and it is critical the office's OI app work (1) very reliably, and (2) reasonably quickly. In either case, I will be installing the new Universal Driver 3.0.

I'd really like to hear if people have had good experiences running OI using the UD under either a Windows or a Linux server.

At 11 SEP 2003 10:52AM H Vance wrote:

I'm also interested in this topic. Our Arev v3.12 system is stored on two NetWare 4.11 servers with IPX and the Rev NLM. We also have a Windows 2000 Terminal Server, which gives the remote users access to Arev. Unfortunately, we had to load the NetWare client on this Terminal Server, rendering it consistently unstable. If I don't reboot it about every other night, TS will lock up and freeze. My guess is that the client has tons of memory leaks.

At any rate I'm searching for options to move our data from NetWare. The first preference is Linux. I've had too many issues with Windows NT, 2000 Server and XP, and I'm looking for something that's faster and that requires far less maintenance and baby-sitting.

I'm also wondering if we could demo the Universal Driver.

At 11 SEP 2003 03:14PM Richard Bright wrote:

I believe Pat made some favourable comments about Linux and it's performance with the UD.

UD aside, I can say that Win2003 Server is a MUCH improved beast to its ancestors. Terminal Services and OI work great (has some of the Citrix technology built in), plus Web much faster and feature called Shadow Copy which is great. The only frustration is everything is locked down by default and need to get into group policies to sort it out. You should be able to get an eval copy of Win2003 - MS has been trying to saturate the market.

Richard Bright

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