Problems Saving/Opening Reports (Reporter Specific)
At 28 OCT 1997 04:22:18PM Nick Mayo wrote:
This problem was reported by someone else back in March '97, but I didn't see a resolution in the message thread. So here goes again:
I am having a problem whenever I attempt to open or save a newly created report from/to the repository from within Reporter, I get the message:
"drive\oi pathname\reportname.rpt - This Filename is Invalid."
I can open an existing report by launching it directly from the repository and subsequently save changes to it however. There is no way to save a new report to the repository though, - I must save them somewhere other than the repository.
Here is my version info:
Reporter v3.10
OI v3.15
At 29 OCT 1997 10:54AM John Duquette wrote:
Are you in reporter when this happens? Or are you in OI trying to use the Utility "RUNWIN" function?
Is this a local/networked copy of OI?
John Revelation
At 31 OCT 1997 01:48AM Nick Mayo wrote:
John -
Thanks for your response. I am in Reporter when this occurs (I have launched Reporter from the OI Application Manager).
This is a local copy of OI.
Thanks, Nick
At 21 APR 1998 11:27AM Michael Bouman wrote:
I'm having an identical problemon on my Windows95 machine. I have Open Insight 3.4 and Revelation Reporter 3.2. I discovered the problem with version 3.5, then installed 3.6, then reinstalled 3.4. I discovered this problem on my local machine, where I was going through the "Getting Started" exercises. I had installed the software into c:\program files\revsoft\oinsight. Everything worked properly until I tried to save my first report in the repository. The error message "This filename is invalid" was produced for a filename of any length. However, I could save the report anywhere in the directory structure as a file. I just couldn't save into the repository.
The following experiments all proved interesting.
1. Move all the files from their current location to c:\revsoft\oinsight. Same result.
2. Delete the revsoft folder and the .ini files from the Windows folder and reinstall. Same result.
3. Install OpenInsight on the network G:\revsoft\oinsight with client on my local machine. Same result.
4. Install 3.4 client on another network workstation running Windows95. No problem.
5. Install 3.4 client on another network workstation running Windows95 with latest OSR2 of software. No problem.
6. Install 3.4 Open Insight on my laptop running Windows95. No problem.
7. Remove all .dll files for Open Insight from windows\System and reinstall the 3.4 client. Same problem.
From the problem workstation (mine!), running OI 3.4 on the network with client on my workstation, I tried to open a report I'd saved in the repository from another workstation. COULD NOT OPEN IT. Error message says "g:\revsoft\oinsight\TESTDE~1.RPT Cannot find this file." The file was saved with the name TESTDELETE1.RPT.
I exited Revelation Reporter and returned to Application Manager and found this report in the outline and successfully opened it by double-clicking its name.
I have the following, fairly uninformed surmise, based on the error message above. The truncation of a long file name to a DOS version, as in TESTDE~1.RPT, tells me that Revelation Reporter is looking for the file on the system's directory structure, not in the repository. It is the system that responds with truncated file names, right? It can't find the file in the directory because it's in the repository. OR, it is looking in the repository for the truncated version of the file name, which doesn't exist. I don't have a clue.
When I'm in Revelation Reporter trying to save a new report, I see the names of reports saved to the repository from other, functioning, workstations. Ergo, I can read the repository from my nonfunctioning workstation. Something else is wrong. I haven't a clue what.
Since I am to be the developer here, this problem is seriously affecting my confidence in the product.
At 23 APR 1998 01:11PM Nick Mayo wrote:
Wow! I thought this topic was dead! I just received another report from a client with the same problem.
RTI, (or anyone else who might know a possible solution) - If you're reading: HELP!!!