Netware Bindery Emulation? (AREV Specific)
At 21 JUN 1999 05:08:28PM Jim Horvath wrote:
I may soon have to port a venerable AREV 3.03 application from a Netware 3.12 server to a Netware 4.X server. I thought I read here some time ago that the AREV Netware module requires bindery emulation on a 4.X server to operate properly. I don't think this is an option for me since our network administrator refuses to run bindery emulation on his NDS servers (or any non-Novell NLM's for that matter).
Could someone please give me some specifics on what I lose if I run my AREV application without a bindery? (I know that many of Steve Smith's utilities won't work for example).
Jim Horvath
At 21 JUN 1999 05:36PM Steve Smith wrote:
There are a couple of places that AREV does use the Novell API -
Station id
Logical locking
maintaining bump (concurrent user) limits
Unlocking (including unlock all)
These use interrupt 21h functions D0-D4h (locking) and EEh (station id) from memory. This is a DOS interrupt extended by Novell.
I think you'll find that even using just NDS the above still work. If you use the LH NLM then locking functionality is not even an issue (as the NLM handles it a different way).
I work on several Novell 4.11 networks with NDS only enabled using REVG, and it handles fine. All Novell does is to map the old bindery calls to the NDS tree database. It's no penalty to switch it on. You can even use NDS,BIND as your Netware 32 client setting.
FWIW, Victor at Align Systems in Adelaide runs many of my utilities on an NDS only system here in Victoria. When he claimed they worked I was surprised as well
There's nothing like good code, (and that's nothin' like it)