NT service problems (Networking Products)
At 13 OCT 1999 02:48:34AM Contec Group wrote:
We have installed a client site with the Revelation NT service version 1.5. The site is running Advanced Revelation version 2.12.
This was supposed to do a number of good things for them including faster access to the database, and a more robust system, i.e. less GFEs occuring.
We seem to have the service set up correct according to the instructions provided with the service pack.
The result of this has been very bad. The system is now operating very badly with more GFEs occuring than there have been for a long time.
They are running the NT service on NT server service pack 5. Does anyone out there have some suggestions which we could use to get the service pack running as it should be.
At 13 OCT 1999 04:02AM Tim Marler @ Prosolve Software wrote:
At 13 OCT 1999 04:20AM Tim Marler @ Prosolve Software wrote:
Don't you just hate pushing the return key by mistake?
You say you had GFE's prior to the install, did you verify that your tables were free from GFE's when you installed the NT Service?
Also are you sure that the service is actually running and that the clients are using it? Check the service is running by opening Control Panel - Services and verify that the Linear Hash service is started.
Make sure that you have a REVPARAM file with ServerOnly=1 in all directories containing Linear Hash files. This will ensure that clients are actually running the correct network driver. I don't want to teach grandma…etc etc but to confirm you are using the All Networks Driver log in to Arev as BUMP. If the current network driver is not ALL-NETWORKS-DRIVER, press and choose ALL-NETWORKS-DRIVER from the list. Press RETURN to select the driver.
If your clients are running NT Workstation, ensure that they are at the same SP level as the server.
I hope this helps, if not there are a multitude of helpful threads on this site to browse through.
At 13 OCT 1999 07:33AM Contec Group wrote:
Thank you for your response Tim.
We have the service set up as you have described, and the clients
are using the service, we have checked that out. The correct network driver is also being used.
Before the service was installed GFEs did occur, but not too often. I could not tell you whether GFEs were present when the NT service was installed, I was not on site for the installation of it.
Something I forgot to mention last time, was that workstations are locking up periodically.
What you said about the NT server service packs is interesting. We will check this out.
At 13 OCT 1999 08:07AM akaplan@sprezzatura.com - [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
It's probably not related to this at all, but there are some patches for ARev 2.12 that should be installed.
Check the obvious solutions, such that all stations are locking records and ensure there is no workstation caching going on. Also, you might want to set up your Revparam file so that all LH caching is disabled.
At 13 OCT 1999 08:20AM Tim Marler @ Prosolve Software wrote:
What workstation OS's are you using? If 95/98/NT make sure that expanded memory is forced to 4096 and not auto. I also disable the screen saver.
Do the workstations lock up doing any particular operation, after a certain amount of time or is it just at randon times? Do the GFE's appear in one particular table or are they in various tables?
At 13 OCT 1999 02:46PM Stephen Jones, Revelation Software wrote:
Here's some tips to facilitate NT Service:
I. Make sure TCP/IP is at the top of your network protocol stack. If
not, remove all, and put TCP/IP back in before other protocols.
II. Make sure you delete any unneeded protocols from the protocol stack.
III. Try the following procedure:
It is important that the server be up when the workstations reboot, and
that the workstations are not logged into the server at the time of reboot.
1a) If you have a DOS FAT formatted hardrive:
Check the "files= parameter in all workstations config.sys files.The number of files should be over 100.Try using "files=101".1b) If you have a Windows NT NTFS formatted hardrive:
Check the "files= parameter in all workstations config.NT files.The number of files should be over 100.Try using "files=101".2) Log out all users and stop the service (lhsrvc stop).
Remove the service (lhsrvc remove).Recreate the service (lhsrvc create).3) Unmap all of the workstations from the server.
4) Reboot the server.
5) Reboot the workstations.
6) Remap the workstations to the server.
7) Launch your application.
IV. in Arev shortcut properties, set EMS=4096 and XMS=none