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At 11 JUN 2002 10:32:07PM Marty Rosenbloom wrote:


I have a window that when it is activated, I want a specific row already loaded. The key is "Date", column 1 is "Month" and column 2 is "Day". I know it should be simple, but it is escaping me as to how to accomplish this.



At 12 JUN 2002 01:14AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Do you mean CREATEd or ACTIVATEd? Assuming the former, have a hidden key prompt and on the CREATE event set the DEFPROP of the key prompt to the value you want (or perhaps the INVALUE) then send a READ event to the Window. If this fails, first send a LOSTFOCUS to the key prompt.

The Sprezzatura Group

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