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At 17 DEC 1997 09:08:38AM Sergio Sartor (STSARTOR@GaPac.Com) wrote:

Good day! I have installed the NPP and it works fine with all of my users using AREV 3.12 Runtime. If I install the ALL NETWORKS DRIVER in the development and attempt to log in as myself (I am the only development user) then I receive FS1009 after I log in. I can still log in as LANPACK or SYSPROG fine. If I change the driver back to a Windows 3.1+ network, then it logs me in fine. Please help!


-Sergio Sartor

At 18 DEC 1997 02:32AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

Does this give you a file name? Can you get in or does it prevent access?

Sprezzatura Ltd


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