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At 02 SEP 1999 04:29:36AM Barry wrote:

Is there any simple way to send OIPI and SList reports to a disc file?

Similar to the ARev PDISK command.

At 02 SEP 1999 05:21AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


(1) You can set up a printer with printer port FILE: instead of COM1:, LPT1:, etc. So if you choose to print to that printer the output will go to a file. But I guess the format will always be PostScript or something. Because you still have to specify a real printer.

(2) I use OIPI in my app. With OIPI you program a lot anyway, so when my clients wanted a print to file option I programmed that from scratch. I.e, where before I had stuff like

Stat=Set_Printer( "TEXT", TextLine )

I now have something like

if PrintToFile then

OSBWrite TextLine : CrLf on PrintFileHandle at PrintFilePos
PrintFilePos += len(TextLine) + 2

end else

Stat=Set_Printer( "TEXT", TextLine )


The result is a pure text file.

(3) A third possibility might be to print to PDF files. You'll have to acquire and install Adobe Acrobat (something like $100 I think). Then you can print to PDF files.

(4) A fourth possibility might be to use DDE with Word to produce Word files (or any file format Word can save in, even pure text).

I don't know if any of this can be of help.

- Oystein -

At 03 SEP 1999 04:28AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


On the Works list Don Bakke just suggested one can print to a text file if one installs the Windows "Generic / Text Only" print driver. You'll probably find it in the list of printers somewhere between Espon and Fujitsu and HP. But as I said in a response to Don's posting it might fail with 8-bit characters. It certainly does with Norwegian Windows. At least if I try to print from Word (that's all I've tried, but I didn't think it would make any difference). But you can try and print out e.g a few accented characters if you like.

- Oystein -

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