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Symbolic Fields on An Entry Screen Not Resolving (Arev32)

At 29 SEP 2011 09:43:09PM Paul Vallario wrote:

Can anyone help me? I have a data entry screen with many prompts. A number of prompts are symbolic xlates. In three or four of those prompts the data is the same. The first set seem to resolve ok. When I cursor down to the next section the data does not appear. Then instead of moving to the next sequential prompt it jumps to the end.

These are multivalued prompts.

I have grouped them in the correct groups and I have made sure they were all sequenced properly in the table.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I've been working on this entry screen for days.

Thank you,


At 30 SEP 2011 08:41AM Dave Harmacek wrote:

You may have to make a special symbolic that you use only in the window. For example you have a MV master field {CUSTKEY} with the key value to the CUSTOMERS table and you want to show the customers NAME xlate symbolic next to it.

you try mv symbolic {CUSTOMERS_NAME} which has a formula of


and you get the problem.

try this symbolic:


@MV is the current row number of the group. The new formula extracts only that row number.

(yes, I know this isn't very efficient, but it works easily)


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