AREV 2.1 on NT4srv and NT4ws PRINTING PROBLEMS (AREV Specific)
At 28 APR 2000 03:29:14AM P.Hertzberg wrote:
Printings on NT Workstations are delayed about 30-60 seconds. As well the "prescribe"-commands are corrupted (the first "!" in the "R";cass2…etc-sequense is missing and the rest actually printed on the paper instead of received as a command) which causes messing upp the layout and printing from the wrong cassettes.
Printings from the W95 workstations works fine from all points of views.
Anybody experienced similar problems? Please advice.
Thanks in advance!
At 28 APR 2000 05:19AM Steve Smith wrote:
Please post your report code and advise the brand / model of printer.
At 01 MAY 2000 03:17PM P.Hertzberg wrote:
The printer being used is a Kyocera 1550+.
I`m not sure what you mean by report code.
The only thing that happens is that the printer times out.
The program don`t display any messages what so ever.
Every other way of printing works fine (Windows,Dos).
Thanks in advance
At 01 MAY 2000 04:28PM Niclas Ingfeldt wrote:
(I'm the one who have created the application.)
The report beeing used is a standard "Merge-template". The application reports "Merging record XX from the NN file" as usual but it takes MUCH longer time than with the W95 workstations. Even simple printings as "print" commands from RBASIC code seems to take long time. I get the idea that this is related to the way NT workstations is spooling printings from DOS applications?! Except from printings the application seems to be running in normal speed.
We appreciate any help we ca get
thanks in advance
N.Ingfeldt & P.Hertzberg