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At 17 APR 1998 09:54:11AM Don Bakke wrote:

Can someone tell me what the VERSION property will return under WinNT? I don't use NT but someone else said that it returns "3.1", but I need a way to tell between 3.1x, 95/98, and NT.


SRP Computer Solutions

At 17 APR 1998 10:08AM Blaise(Revelation) wrote:

Hi Don,

With the VERSION property, OI calls a Windows function that returns the version of Windows that is presently running. Here's what you will see:

1) NT4.0 - "3.10

At 17 APR 1998 01:59PM Don Bakke wrote:


[i]1) NT4.0 - "3.10

At 17 APR 1998 05:09PM Blaise(Revelation) wrote:

Hi Don,

We have nothing to do with what gets returned from the function that we called to retrieve the Windows version. It's unfortunate that some versions return the same value. What I can do is take a look at another route to find out what version of Windows is running, but I don't want to guarantee anything at this time.

I'll post anything that I can find.


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