Question for Dave; RE: NLM and DEC - IP traffic (AREV Specific)
At 20 AUG 1998 08:29:34PM Ed Johnson - wrote:
Thank you for your help 2 weeks ago with the "Too Many Users" problem. The Jury is still out - as we're still getting the error, but not as often. I have a more pressing problem…..
We have two AREV 3.12 licenses in operation at our plant; one on a Novell 4.11 network - the other on a DECNet running IP.
Both AREV's run a CMMS product. We're trying to convince the DEC Admin. to let us move that copy of AREV to the Novell network/server, but they're concerned with IPX traffic on their network. The DECnet came with a new Caster installation for process control. The DEC'y's are trying to create a path to allow communication between their network and Novell, but the NLM's IPX protocol stops them dead. Is there a solution to this problem? I can appreciate their concern to protect the process, but not having any networking experience, I'm at a loss as to even where to go for information - or even what questions to ask. When we upgraded the AREV on the DEC two months ago, we purchased the NPP, but had to take it back off. Having 30 or so PC's connecting seemed to be the problem. I'm not getting any GFE's, but there are no Windows 95 stations running either. As old PC's are replaced, the new ones come with NT. Perhaps all this information may help you in arriving at a more informed response.
Any help or guidance that Revelation can offer will be greatly appreciated.
Ed Johnson