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At 30 MAR 1999 12:16:48PM ann mckenzie wrote:

error message given in event viewer

linear hash server- lhread record 1009 2 0 file open error

can anyone help, it seems to affect the application


At 31 MAR 1999 04:05PM Cameron wrote:

At 31 MAR 1999 04:06PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


Hi, I cannot determine from your post whether you are referring to the client or the server. It appears that you are using the Revelation LH NT Service running on a Window NT Server and when you look in the error log on that server you see this message. Is that correct?

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

At 06 APR 1999 04:26AM ann mckenzie wrote:

yes the message appearsin the event log at the server

At 06 APR 1999 10:34AM Tom Revelation wrote:

Hi Ann:

It sounds like the error you are getting is FS1009, which means that the NT Service was unable to open the file.

This can happen one of two ways. The first way is that a workstation has the file open using a different driver than the NPP. When the NT Service tries to open the file deny write access, the workstation already has it open with write access, and the open fails.

The other way to get this error is if the NT "SYSTEM" user does not have access rights to the files. As a default, the Linear Hash NT Service operates with the rights granted to the SYSTEM user. If this user does not have the appropriate rights to access the file, then you get the error you received.

You probably need to add the SYSTEM user to have full control on the volume that the application is located on. From explorer go to the drive, select properties - security - permissions - add user. Select SYSTEM and give it full control. Make sure you check the box that specifies replacing information on subdirectories.

Tom Dunlop

Revelation Software

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