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At 26 NOV 1998 04:15:38PM Igor Visser wrote:

I have a form which I would like to complile, but as soon as I compile my Oengine fails. I assume it has to do with a SYS103 error I encountered in my SYSDICT.

At 26 NOV 1998 04:31PM Igor Visser wrote:

I performed a Appbackup of my Application and Backup my Open Insight. I updated my Open Insight from version 3.11 to 3.6. In version 3.6 I restored my data and did a verify which reported no problems. I performed a backup of my 3.6 version of my application and it restored in version 3.11 where the sys103 error returned.

At 02 DEC 1998 08:27AM Cameron Revelation wrote:


First, which version does the error occur in? 3.11? And it does not occur in 3.6?

Second, the problem with SYSDICT is that DICT.SYSDICT is SYSDICT. Let me explain. The SYSDICT table is the system dictionary. So the dictionary for SYSDICT is SYSDICT. So if you open SYSDICT and open DICT.SYSDICT, you end up with the same file handle. (This is necessary for R/List to work against tables that have no dictionary. Previous to 2.5, this did not work this way and R/List would only work if a table had a dictionary. You can get more details on the bug from Aaron Kaplan.)

In a relatively recent release, we added DICT.SYSDICT to SYSTABLES. Previously it was not there but you could open it. So when LH verify or fix would go to check or fix SYSDICT, it would find it without a problem. Then it would try to check or fix the dictionary, which it could open, but then it couldn't find any information in SYSTABLES. This is one of the problems we fixed by placing DICT.SYSDICT in SYSTABLES. Note that DICT.SYSDICT is just an alias to SYSDICT.

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

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