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At 24 JAN 1999 11:38:55PM Rob Pietrobono wrote:

I am running an Arev 3.11 application on an NT 4.0 workstation. When I send a "LIST" command to print on a network printer setup in NT, I lose the first few lines of my printout. When I send the print to a file (PDISK filename) the complete printout is visible, but when I copy the file via a DOS window on NT, the beginning of the file does not print.

Note: When I opened the print file in a text editer I pressed backspace at the very beginning of the file (but nothing was there) and printed it. It then printed correctly and with no leading blank page.

I suspect that there must be some hidden control character the Arev sends at the beginning of the printout that may be causing the problem.

This works fine on Windows 3.1 or DOS workstations except that I receive a blank page at the start of each printout.

Can anyone shed some light on this one?


At 25 JAN 1999 05:25AM Eric Emu wrote:

Are you running from a PIF?

Otherwise, try using the FORCEDOS command and see if this helps eg.


The FORCEDOS command removes the OS/2 DOS compatibility box and gives you access as if you were running a session under Windows 3.11

Eric Emu

World Leader in everything NE555

At 25 JAN 1999 10:52AM Matt Sorrell wrote:

AREV by default sends a page eject character at the beginning of every print job. To turn this off during an R/LIST statement, place an 'E' in the options parentheses at the end of the statement.

For example,


This will print the R/LIST statement to the active printer, and suppress the page eject.

Matt Sorrell

At 25 APR 2005 05:20AM Chang Lee Churn wrote:

I have tried the following command


it seems to work for my first line of print out, the second line print out comes with the some fuzzy characters

like Matt Sorrell mentioned as page eject character.

Currently, the problem I faced now is it only affects 1 module of my program. but not the other.

A) Tag Printing Entry

B) Tag Printing Maintenance

Module A is entry of new data

Module B is modification of current data

Module B can print out the report correctly without the so called page eject character. But Module A always print with a page eject character in each print out.

Both are almost similar in function. Except that Module A is storing new data and printing the report. Module B is retrieving data and printing the report.

1) Could the function of Module A is the cause of the page eject problem?

2) How can I solve this problem?

3) I also use redirect printout from LPT1 to COM1 printout with NET USE, but this problem only affects Module A, but NOT Module B.

Anyone can help me on this?

Thank you.

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