Mouse click during replace background (AREV Specific)
At 06 JAN 1999 02:37:07PM Jim Horvath wrote:
Thanks Larry, Aaron, and Victor for your responses to my previous question about replacing the indexing background.
I noticed that once my routine has been called and is waiting for a keystroke, the AREV screen is oblivious to mouse input. What code do I have to insert in the loop to exit on and then process a mouse click? Can you push the mouse click back on a command stack the same way you return a keystroke to @DATA?
loop until done
input x, -1if x thendone=1@DATA := xend
??? Detect Mouse click here ????repeat
At 06 JAN 1999 03:34PM onmouseover=window.status=why not click here to send me email?;return(true)", [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:
Don't use input x,-1 - use Input.Char
From REVMEDIA Vol 4 Issue 5.
The central system routine for keyboard input has been modified to be
"mouse aware". It now returns additional codes permitting the user to know where the mouse was when a button was clicked, and what status line button has been pressed. Thus there are now five functions of Input.Char,
1 - to handle background processing/@Priority.Int etc.
2 - To return a pressed key.
3 - To provide the mouse position when a button is clicked.
4 - To identify the status line cell that has been clicked on.
5 - To permit clicking on the top screen line to display the menu.
As 1 and 2 have not changed they will not be dealt with here.
Mouse Position
Input.Char now accepts a second additional parameter MousePosFlag. If this is set to true, then if a mouse button is clicked (regardless of which mouse button) a string of length four characters will be returned in the first parameter having the format Char(0) : Char(0) : Char(X) : Char(Y) where X and Y are the ascii values representing the X and Y position of the mouse respectively. Thus if the cursor was at 65, 10, the string returned would be Char(0) : Char(0) : Char(65) : Char(10).
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 06 JAN 1999 05:10PM Jim Horvath wrote:
Well thanks Andrew, but… it was from another of your posts that I picked the details of writing ReplaceBackground in the first place.
and in that post was the caveat to use INPUT X, -1 and not INPUT.CHAR for this particular purpose.
In the meantime, I have discovered (in yet another of your posts) the function MOUSE_SUBS(3, key, xpos, ypos) which allows me to detect a mouse click. The problem is that the call also consumes the click, so that when my function exits, the user has to click the mouse again to actually be recognized. I was hoping there is a way to put back the mouse click similar to the
At 06 JAN 1999 05:21PM Jim Horvath wrote:
Oops, I accidently hit the submit button before I was done.. so back to my question..
Having detected a mouse click using the MOUSE_SUBS functions, is it possible to push the click back into the mouse events queue so that the actual processing of the click is done after exiting my replacebackground function? That is, I am looking for the something analogous to:
which returns a keystoke to the input buffer.
At 07 JAN 1999 04:21AM onmouseover=window.status=why not click here to send me email?;return(true)", [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Why not click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]Sprezzatura Ltd[/url] wrote:
From Vol 3 Issue 7
This is the equivalent of INPUT.CHAR for mouse actions. It is used to check whether a mouse motion has been made or if a mouse key/key combination has been pressed. If such an action has been taken then the keystrokes will be returned from the function and, if applicable, in @DATA. Thus if the mouse motion was down and left, the left key press would be returned in @DATA and the down keypress as the result of the function. The order of return appears to be that Button Presses take precedence over Y movements which in turn take precedence over X movements. Those actions with precedence will be
returned from the function (which seems only ever to return 1 keystroke),those remaining, in @DATA.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 07 JAN 1999 12:12PM Jim Horvath wrote:
Thank you for your assistance.