Sending XML files (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 17 DEC 2006 09:54:55PM G Te Tamaki wrote:
OI 16Bit and OI 32Bit
We wish to send an XML file to another (non OI) site.
It has been recommended to use HTTP Post and requires authentication.
Suggestions on how to do this would be appreciate as this is our first time.
At 18 DEC 2006 03:43AM's Paul Simonsen wrote:
I can describe the basic process from OI 7.1.1. Below that version of OI you will need to figure out how to make the equivalent OLE Function calls. In OI 7.1.1, I am using the OLECreateInstance and OLECallMethod functions to work with the Msxml2.XMLHTTP (both .3.0 and .4.0) component. Do a registry search, and you should find these controls.
After I create the OLE instance, I open a POST method, set the request header, and send the xml data. You can then use the OleGetProperty function to pull back the responseText if needed. These are the generalities, however, I haven't seen XML HTTP Posting processes which are exactly alike.
Hopefully this will get you started in an area that has great potential for OpenInsight.