Aborting RLIST - still more (OpenInsight Specific)
At 13 FEB 1999 09:49:33AM Nick Stevenson wrote:
Yippee Cameron (on the news re: RLIST abort scheduled for 3.8 (hopefully))..
I have experimented with your suggestion (and Don's I think) about implementing this in a symbolic for now. My symbolic code is:
declare subroutine YIELD
if @user1=ABORT' then
My form's OK button clears @user1 when the RLIST select is started. The form's ABORT button simply sets @user1 to "ABORT".
The select takes 4 seconds (on about 3,000 rows) WITHOUT the symbolic column in the select statement. This jumps to 12 seconds WITH the symbolic included.
When I remove the YIELD() statement, my response goes back to just over 4 seconds (acceptable). BUT I then cannot click my ABORT button as input is inhibited while RLIST works.
I suppose I could use a memory variable as a counter and only do the YIELD() every 1000 rows or so (or even every few seconds), but is there another way of doing it so as to reduce the effect on the speed of the select?
At 16 FEB 1999 01:32PM Cameron Revelation wrote:
First, save off @dict, @id, @mv, @record before you call Yield and restore after it returns.
Second, yes do a counter (or time elapse) and yield every so often. I suggest using GetTickCount (Win API) or whatever it is called. It "ticks" like 18 times a second.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software