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At 26 AUG 2003 09:12:39AM Gerald Lovel wrote:

When an RList command is issued in the system monitor, the command sentence is automatically uppercased except for any quoted parameters, which retain their case sensitivity. Very nice.

When a user types an RList command into an entry, and that entry is passed to the BASIC+ RList command, the command sentence does not get uppercased. Instead, the system monitor displays errors like 'eq' is not in the dictionary, 'with' is not in the dictionary, etc. Not so nice.

Could be a bug, or could be a documentation deficiency. However, couldn't hurt to fix this one.


At 26 AUG 2003 09:34AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

The case issue with R/LIST case conversion has been around for years and years in both AREV and OI. The TCL dialog in AREV correctly upper-case converts the text (except for quotes) before passing it to R/LIST but you can still pass an unconverted string in R/BASIC that will cough, but in OI, a user-defined Dialog must do it itself (or the user proc that will capture and pass the text to R/LIST). The problem is that there's no RTP function in OI to handle the parsing and case conversion. However, it's pretty easy, so I have a User Defined Conversion to handle it that I use whenever it's needed. Fixing R/LIST to do it would be trivial and would probably not break anybody's app.

Don M.

At 26 AUG 2003 09:45AM The Sprezzatura Group wrote:

Whilst there's no RTP there is still the old BALANCED function

declare function balanced

sent=list SYSREPOS with F1 "hello"'


If it is balanced then RETVAL is 1 and sent is LIST SYSREPOS WITH F1 "hello".

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 26 AUG 2003 01:57PM Don Miller wrote:

Sprezz ..

Ain't you the quick one. I'd completely forgotten the BALANCED function (almost never used it), but you're right. It LIVES.

Don M.

At 26 AUG 2003 02:06PM The Sprezzatura Group wrote:

When you're writing query tools why reinvent the wheel?

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 26 AUG 2003 05:14PM Gerald Lovel wrote:


Why you dog! This makes RList case issues a documentation question, not a bug to fix. I used to use the RTP29, so I never thought of BALANCED when RTP29 went missing.


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