Edit Box 'editor' (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 13 SEP 2006 10:22:37PM David E Schranz wrote:
I'm trying to provide some editing features in certain edit boxes I have in my application, such as search/replace, showing row and column currently on, etc. Before I proceed with re-inventing the wheel, can anyone please direct/tell me if:
1. there is already any feature (e.g. subroutine, function, OCX, etc) that handles my type of request
2. failing (1) above, what is the best way to only allow a to got to the next window object while forcing an to act as ?
3. what is the best way to identify the current row and column on which the cursor is positioned in an edit box?
At 14 SEP 2006 02:40PM [url=http://www.srpcs.com]SRP[/url]'s Kevin Fournier wrote:
As far as I can tell, the default behavior of an edit box is to insert new lines when pressing . Is this what you wanted? Or are you wanting to act like ?
As for the line and column, you can do this using BASIC+ code. First, add the following equates to your code:
Equ [/color]EM_LINEINDEX$ [/color]to [/color]0x00BB [/color]Equ [/color]EM_LINEFROMCHAR$ [/color]to [/color]0x00C9[/color][/color][/size]Next, you need to use the edit box's handle and the SendMessage call to get the information you desire.
// get the handle [/color]hEditBox=Get_Property([/color]@Window[/color]:[/color]".EDITBOX"[/color], [/color]"HANDLE"[/color]) [/color]// get the line number [/color]Line=SendMessage(hEditBox, EM_LINEFROMCHAR$, -[/color]1[/color], [/color]0[/color]) + [/color]1 [/color]// calculate the column position [/color]Selection=Get_Property([/color]@Window[/color]:[/color]".EDITBOX"[/color], [/color]"SELECTION"[/color]) Col=Selection1[/color]] - (SendMessage(hEditBox, EM_LINEINDEX$, -[/color]1[/color], [/color]0[/color]) + [/color]1[/color])[/color][/color][/size]kfournier@srpcs.com