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At 01 AUG 2011 07:27:31PM B.J. J Ray wrote:


Working with OI 8.0.8 on Windows 7.

During an upgrade install the system crashes.

The crash happens in the RDKINSTALL_ME program during an Attach_Table command. A crash still occurs when I put a debug before the attach_table command. If I put a debug in the program that calls the RDKINSTALL_ME program and then debug through RDKINSTALL_ME it all works fine.

I'm a little confused.

Specific information about the crash:


                   (Crashes here)

Thanks and Kind Regards,

B.J. Ray

At 02 AUG 2011 08:23AM Jared Bratu wrote:

Are you installing the RDK with the RDKInstall command or from a NSIS setup.exe file?

At 07 AUG 2011 08:25PM B.J. J Ray wrote:

RDKInstall command

At 18 AUG 2011 05:12PM Jared Bratu wrote:

What is the RDKINSTALL_ME function? I can't find any reference to this routine, when you step through it what does it do?

If you create a new OpenInsight 8.0.8 fresh installation and APPBACKUP from your existing application and APPBACKUP restore into the new installation does the RDKInstall command function correctly?

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