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At 19 JUL 2006 03:32:24AM Geoff Webb wrote:

This message started 24 hours ago, and we have since, stop the UD for our OI 4.0.2 and restore our complete OI, and still receive the error when we try to perform lh_verify.

We also have received errors of FS145, FS1003 and our LH3SRVC.NLM does not record any activity.

At 23 JUL 2006 07:30PM Steve Smith wrote:

Have you tried a purge of deleted files from your server? It may not treat the cause, but may fix the symptoms.

At 24 JUL 2006 12:16AM dave w bennett wrote:

Please explain, we had to go to another server, and we do not want to repeat this issue.

At 24 JUL 2006 02:26AM Steve Smith wrote:

Well basically, Novell when deleting a file, moves it to a \deleted.sav path. So over time this fills up. The Administrator privileges enable you to permanently delete files that reside in this path. I've seen cases where the presence of these files completely saturates the FAT (or Novell's equivalent) leading to all manner of unusual behaviours.

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