How do I Import/Export to/from Access or Excel in Arev312? (AREV Specific)
At 29 APR 1998 10:49:45AM Terry Herbert wrote:
I'm working with Arev 3.12 and trying to trasfer data back and forth between it and either Access or Excel. All of the things I've tried so far with the built-in AREV import/export process hasn't worked. Is there anyone out there that has done this and what were your main stumbling blocks and how did you overcome them?
At 29 APR 1998 12:10PM John Duquette wrote:
Arev does not have a direct import for ACCESS/EXCEL. If you save your files in lotus, dbase or ascii you can directly import the data to Arev.
John Revelation
At 29 APR 1998 02:20PM Rober Lynch wrote:
You will probably have to write a RBASIC (AREV) program to handle the data transfer.
At 29 APR 1998 05:47PM Steve Smith wrote:
I have done this a variety of ways, most recently under Windows 95/Office 97.
First method:
(a) pdisk a report listing your fields to a file (filename.TXT)
(b) edit the text to remove headers, pages etc.
© open the file from Excel as a text file, specify all fields as
text (not Automatic conversion), align the column markers, go to it.
(d) Excel sheets can be imported straight into Access, or in later versions, just define your Access table, and Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C to cut the spreadsheet contents, and then in Access, Ctrl-V in Table view mode.
Second Method:
AREV Dbase export, then open into Access, then into Excel
Third method
Lotus 123 export, then open from Excel direct, then on into Access.
The biggest hassles are with multi-values, which do not translate that well.
Steve Smith.
At 19 MAY 1998 05:20PM J. Yeatrakas wrote:
The multi value is the obsticle to directly exporting to those spreadsheets. However, there are a couple of tricks I use to simplify the loading of a report created by AREV into EXCEL. I create a symbolic in the dictionary of the desired table, COMMA, this way:
I make it three characters long and center it. The Name is ',' and then when I list to a file after first setting PDISK to the file name it looks like this:
then the data will be in the form:
Then from EXCEL, use Comma Delimited format to import the data and it will load nicely. The COMMA only works if you do not TOTAL, AVERAGE or SUM any of the fields.
Most of the time, in a complex report with multi values, I write a program that processes them in loops and assembles the strings using commas (',') to separate the fields. The advantage to all this is that I can deliver a single report that many users can use and not worry about how the users want it to be sorted, what specific fields they need (they can hide what they don't need) etc. Seems to keep a lot of people happy and they get to play in EXCEL, which is what they really want anyway.