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At 04 MAY 2000 08:27:04PM Brian Kang wrote:

If anyone can give some ideas about my problem, I will be really appreciate!!!

We have AREV 2.1 on NetWare 5 and 95/NT clients. Some reports just takes 20-30min to completed from 95 client but NT client need to spend more than 3 hrs for the same reports. Both 95 and NT clients using "MS Client for NetWare" and I think I set proper memory settings and other configurations according to manual and this site.

Would anybody help me?

Thank you.

At 07 MAY 2000 06:04PM Richard Bright wrote:


Have you considered changing your Client shell to the Novell product ie Novell Client 32 v3.10 (no service releases)? The usual rule is to use MS client for MS server and Novell for Novell network.

At 07 MAY 2000 06:11PM Richard Bright wrote:

Sorry, I wasnt thinking. Others have reported this combo (NT workstation and Novell 5 is a bummer (5 x slower).

Supposedly Revsoft have two staff working on this in conjunction with Novell but no real advance in performance for some time. I believe the problem lies between MS and Novell. The NT ws product gives priority (about 3 to 1) to IP over IPX. Thats just to start with…

At 08 MAY 2000 08:17AM Warren wrote:

Hmmm, I thought NetWare 5.0 is the first Novell release to have a true embedded TCP/IP implementation. So why do you need IPX at all?

At 08 MAY 2000 12:54PM Brian Kang wrote:

Thank you for your info, Richard and Warren.

So, what that mean is I don't have to use IPX for NetWare 5?

TCP/IP will work with Novell server and NT workstation?

Would you give me more details on this?

Thanks again…

At 08 MAY 2000 03:21PM Warren wrote:

To tell you the truth I don't know.

Previously IP was wrapped around/inside IPX so you had to have both protocols present. Since NetWare 5.0 now has a true TCP/IP it would seem to me that IPX is no longer needed (and the published benchmarks I've seen show TCP/IP much faster on 5.0 than previous versions).

Whether or not NT will connect to Netware with IP only I can only say: Not if it were up to Microsoft.

At 08 MAY 2000 06:26PM Brian Kang wrote:

Thank you again.

It sounds like there is no known solution for this combination, NT ws with Novell 5 server. If this is the case then I think I have to force users to use 95 instead of NT.

If any of you (the Experts!) can find a better way to increas the performance on our system, Please let me know. This will help me so much.

Thank you.

At 08 MAY 2000 06:28PM Brian Kang wrote:

Thank you again.

It sounds like there is no known solution for this combination, NT ws with Novell 5 server. If this is the case then I think I have to force users to use 95 instead of NT.

If any of you (the Experts!) can find a better way to increas the performance on our system, Please let me know. This will help me so much.

Thank you.

At 08 MAY 2000 07:25PM Richard Bright wrote:


Revsoft determined the NLM should provide service only for IPX. Possibly performance was better. (of cause you can use IP but then have no NLM protection - this is suicide!) However in the combination with NT client there is major problems of performance. I might add that this is not necessarily RevSofts fault. Just look at the Knowledgebase items on this subject and you will see permutations of server version / patches / client shell / patches / client OS - some work with OI, some work with AREV some work with both and most dont work with both. This is just not plain sailing!

At 09 MAY 2000 12:29AM Warren wrote:

Such is the price of buying into the Microsoft solution.

At 10 MAY 2000 01:51PM Warren wrote:

After reading [size=2]this KB article[/size]

I have an inkling of what is going on. I guess we just have to wait for Novell to integrate IP more into NetWare

At 18 MAY 2000 05:41PM Darrell Latta wrote:

Just a remote possibility, but are you running the Arev App on the NT Workstation in a Window or full screen (ie. no border)? I have found with my Arev apps that there is a tremendous slowdown caused by NT when the DOS app is run within a box, which lessen's when you are full screen DOS.


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