Can't Create A Relational Index (OpenInsight Specific)
At 14 OCT 1998 06:47:09PM Greg James, ISIS, Inc. wrote:
After restoring an application with APPBACKUP I reattached the tables. In database manager List Indexed Tables only shows one indexed table (SYSREPOSLOCKS). Before I backed-up the application there were three relational indexes for the application.
When I tried to add a relational index I saw the following message:
"Index type "3" has already been created for the column ""."
I can see the ! file in the system editor, but when I execute:
,'3' I get an error.Is the index there or not? If it is, how do I get rid of it, and if it's not, how can I add a new index?
At 19 OCT 1998 09:48AM Cameron Revelation wrote:
It sounds like you need to manually remove it. Open the DICT. table and look at the record that purportedly has an index. Clear the following fields:
Below is the code for List_Index, to give you a reference point for how this info is stored.
<code> routine List_Index(pTableNameList, pColumnNameList, pIndexTypeList) RowDef(CharStr, CharStr, Integer, Integer, Integer) ***************************************************************************** * * Name : List_Index() * Description: Returns a list of indexes. * * Arguments: * pTableNameList - The name of the table to return indexing information about * pColumnNameList - Specific columns to get indexing information about * pIndexTypeList - A list of index types (1, 2, 3) to return * * ROWDEF structure: * Table Name * Column Name * Btree Flag * Crossref Flag * Relational Flag * * History (Date, Initials, Notes) * 10/01/97 cp Re-did. * 10/27/97 cp Sort table list (this used to be done by RTP50 select) * ***************************************************************************** declare subroutine Set_Status, V119 declare function Send_Dyn $insert Dict_Equates $insert FSErrors_Hdr $insert Logical ****** * main ****** Set_Status(FALSE$) * check parameters if assigned(pTableNameList) then TableNameList=pTableNameList convert @lower_case to @upper_case in TableNameList end else TableNameList=" end if assigned(pColumnNameList) then ColumnNameList=pColumnNameList convert @lower_case to @upper_case in ColumnNameList end else ColumnNameList=" end if assigned(pIndexTypeList) then IndexTypeList=pIndexTypeList end else IndexTypeList=" end * apply parameter defaults if len(TableNameList) else * default to all index tables TableNameList=" cTables=count(@tables, @fm) + (@tables # "") for iTable=1 to cTables Table=@tables if Table 1,1=!" then TableNameList := Table 2,99999: @rm end next i * sort list V119("S", "", "A", "L", TableNameList, "") convert @rm to @fm in TableNameList TableNameList -1,1=" end if len(IndexTypeList) else * default to return all index types IndexTypeList=123" end * bErr=FALSE$ cTables=count(TableNameList, @fm) + (TableNameList # "") for iTable=1 to cTables TableName=TableNameList DictName =DICT.": TableName open DictName to fDict then * get a list of column names to check if len(pColumnNameList) else readv ColumnNameList from fDict, "%FIELDS%", 3 then convert @vm to @fm in ColumnNameList end else ColumnNameList=" end end * check each column for indexes cColumns=count(ColumnNameList, @fm) + (ColumnNameList # "") for iColumn=1 to cColumns ColumnName=ColumnNameList if len(ColumnName) and ColumnName 1,1 # "%" then read Record from fDict, ColumnName then if Record=F" or Record=S" then Outrec =0: @fm: 0: @fm: 0 bIndexed=" if index(IndexTypeList, 1, 1) then if Record then bIndexed =TRUE$ OutRec=TRUE$ end end if index(IndexTypeList, 2, 1) then if len(Record) then bIndexed =TRUE$ OutRec=TRUE$ end end if index(IndexTypeList, 3, 1) then if len(Record) then bIndexed =TRUE$ OutRec=TRUE$ end end if bIndexed then Stat=Send_Dyn(TableName: @fm: ColumnName: @fm: OutRec) if Stat then Set_Status(TRUE$, Stat) return end end end end end next iColumn end else ErrArgs=@file.error convert @vm to @fm in ErrArgs Set_Status(-1, FS_PREFIX$: @file.error, ErrArgs) bErr=TRUE$ end next iTable if bErr else Set_Status(FALSE$) end return</code>
Hope it helps,
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software