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At 07 APR 2008 11:37:08AM TexasGuy wrote:


I am relatively new at supporting AREV, and don't really much about it. This morning I started getting the following error:

Fatal Error ReadNexting in (filename) in file (table name):


File Open Error

So I thought I would try browsing the table via TCL, I can go EDIT (tablename) and hit enter, no problem, so I assume the table is attached, but when I hit F2 (to browse the files) I get the error again.

I am hopeing a server restart will solve this, as it has been running non-stop for quite awhile now, but I cannot bring it down for another hour and thought I would go ahead and get a thread started on this topic because I have no clue what to do if that doesn't work.

Any ideas on what could have caused this and how to moved forward? I am running AREV 2.12.


At 07 APR 2008 12:12PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Most likely cause is that some process outside of AREV is trying to read the files - say a backup process. Backups should only be done with everyone out of the system. Failing this it might be that your AV software is scanning OVs - another no no.

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 APR 2008 12:43PM TexasGuy wrote:

Thanks, the server restart fixed it. For my future reference, is there any way to restart the LH/AREV service without having to reboot the entire server? I could have fixed it alot quicker if that was the case.

At 07 APR 2008 01:27PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


or whatever the service is called (there are 6 versions in the wild). Or just stop it in services.msc

The Sprezzatura Group

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 APR 2008 05:55PM Victor Engel wrote:

Did you identify who had the file open, assuming that was the problem?

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