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At 29 JAN 1998 08:16:41AM Jeff Hostetter Word Enterprises wrote:

I am calling reporter and passing the paramters to it.

I get this error: Cannot connect to OI - check user name and password then I get: The Report or query is locked by another user

I checked the user name and password and they are correctly passed.


What am I doing wrong?

At 29 JAN 1998 09:23AM Greg Revelation wrote:

I don't think you are doing anything wrong Jeff. I have tried to do this myself and have gotten the same error message. Some people have been able to get that line to work if they switch drivers to something like Byte-Range, instead of say the All Network Driver. This problem is unpredictable and hard to narrow down.

You could try using Repository ('EXECUTE') and see if that works for you. We are currently trying to find out what is causing this problem.

At 29 JAN 1998 11:15AM Jeff Hostetter Word Enterprises wrote:

What is the Repository Execute equivalent for this command


At 29 JAN 1998 11:38AM John Duquette wrote:

Hi Jeff, long time :)

Is that the exact command line you are passing to the reporter? Or are you trying to do this via a callback, like RevRpt?

I have seen this problem if you do not pass the correct set of parameters for the specific report. The specific switch that can cause problems like this is the repository switch(whether the report is in the repository or in dos).

John Revelation

At 29 JAN 1998 12:59PM Jeff Word Enterprises wrote:


Hey, good to hear from you!

I wrote this program 5 months ago and it worked fine. Now all of the sudden it does not work. I would still like to use the Utility 'RUNWIN' approach but tell me the syntax of another command if there is one.

#1 The report is in the repository.

#2 I do not know what RevRpt is.

#3 What is this repository switch you speak of?

At 29 JAN 1998 01:02PM Greg Revelation wrote:

The equivalent would be:

methodreturn=Repository( Message, entID, Argn)

entID=an '*' delimited array of

–Application name

–Type ID

–Class ID

–Entity ID


With Repository execute though, you cannot pass any selection criteria and it cannot be run from the command line.

At 29 JAN 1998 01:09PM Jeff Word Enterprises wrote:

At 31 JAN 1998 01:46PM John Duquette wrote:


What is the exact command line switch you pass to the reporter?

John Revelation

At 04 FEB 1998 06:19AM Jeff Word Enterprises wrote:



X=Utility('RUNWIN','REPORTER.EXE /AP=SYSTEM /UN=:@Username:' /PW=:Password:' /RE /PV=1 /QU=1 /RP=:Setup_Name)

At 10 FEB 1998 09:02AM Jeff Word Enterprises wrote:

It has been several days. What am I doing wrong or is there a bug?

At 11 APR 2002 08:51PM Ron Volkmar wrote:


I am getting this same error, but have a possible link into problem.

Last week I upgraded to XP. Prior to that I was not getting the error.

I get the error when starting a new report from the Rev Report Toolbar in the Application Manager. Both a Quick or Blank report return the error report.

I does not matter what application I am in.

Hope this helps.


At 12 APR 2002 08:04PM Chris Hesketh wrote:

Disregard the above msg linking this error to the XP OS.

Someone deleted my application and I rebuild it. Now, I am not getting the error. Something in the rebuild process corrected the problem.


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