DOS commands from TCL, which ones? (AREV Specific)
At 07 NOV 1997 08:31:12PM Michael Slack wrote:
Is there a limit to which DOS commands you can perform from TCL or are all fair game?
I know about the 'PERFORM' command within a program. I couldn't find much in my manuals or Tech Bullitens or in the Knowledge Base that really says anything one way or the other. You can do a straight DIR and a couple other commands from TCL but are there otheres or only selected ones. If just selected ones where might I find that information?
Michael Slack
At 08 NOV 1997 04:38AM Andrew P McAuley wrote:
see that the first line is PC
see all DOS commands you can issue
add new voc entries with PC as line one, add new DOS commands.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft (Except VIP)
At 10 NOV 1997 02:12AM Charles Schmidling wrote:
By enterin 'PC' and a DOS command at the TCL prompt, you can execute a single DOS command. Essentially the same as PCPERFORM.
You can also shell out to DOS by typing 'PC' at the TCL prompt. This will execute "Command.Com" and leave you with a DOS prompt at your current Rev directory. You can 'CD' anywhere. "EXIT" will bring you back to TCL after restoring your working directory (RevF had a problem with this). If you do a PERFORM PC from a prompt that allows it, you'll return to the calling point.
You can do any DOS command desired - from executing a batch file, play a game, or erase your disk. (WIN, though, is not recommended!).
If you do a certain DOS command a lot, you can always set up a VOC record for it. I added CHKDSK by with a simple
COPY VOC DIR TO:CHKDSKsince all it wants is "PCPERFORM" in F1. This is RevG methodology - yours may differ a bit.
Charles Schmidling