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At 11 JUN 2001 11:46:51AM Donald Bakke wrote:

We've been using the following command on a regular basis for quite some time:

REMAKETABLE DATA LACELL 250000 160 80 1024 50

On the Novell network using the NLM this has worked very well. However, very recently this network was switched to NT using the NT Service. The same command no longer works. More specifically, it creates a new data table but the size is usually 1,024K and not the 90MB we have been getting all along.

We have tried this on two different NT networks (the client's and our own) and continually get the same problem. We moved the application to a local drive and the REMAKETABLE command worked (the All Networks driver was left turned on.) So this seems to be a problem with NT or the NT Service.

Any ideas? Thanks.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 12 JUN 2001 02:33PM Warren wrote:

What happens if you do not use the NT service to REMAKETABLE to the NT server? This might isolate the LH service or NT as the culprit.

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