DLL ZLIB (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 04 SEP 2004 02:13:23AM Godfrey Farrugia wrote:
Has anyone ever installed the ZLIB DLL (for compression functionality)? I would appreciate your feedback on this subject, particularly concerning the definition of the prototype record.
Your help is appreciated.
Thanks and regards,
Godfrey Farrugia
At 04 SEP 2004 05:16AM Steve Smith wrote:
I tried this but REGSVR32 reported an error, which suggests the linking won't work from OI, as the compress method in the DLL isn't exported.
You may have more success with bigspeed.zip
Which includes standard VB code prototype examples which can be converted to OI.
At 04 SEP 2004 02:04PM Godfrey Farrugia wrote:
Thanks for your response but what I'm looking for is an In-Memory compression/decompression utility which Bigzip doesn't seem to have. Do you know of any utilities (DLLs or otherwise) that can help me in this area?
Thanks and regards