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At 14 JUN 2000 01:38:46PM Ray Chan wrote:

Ok, everyone, it took a couple of days but I converted the AREV NewBlist program for OI. Sofar in my testing it works GREAT! You can use it to print your StoreProcedures and Events (SysReposevents). Everything looks better to me and it really helps to see things in a more structured manner and should help in my conversion effort and new development. In the events, that someone else may find this helpful, please let me know and I can e-mail the code to you. (No critisim please. If you can make it better, then we expect you to provide the improve code to others ).

To run this routine, I exec BLIST (a form) from the system monitor.

BLIST has three controls: FileName, Item, Options. At LostFocus for each control, set UserDefinedProperty via Set_Property. At the Click Event, call this program (New_Blist). More details provided in note section of program.

I am also using OIPI for better formatting and control. For now, the program is setup to always print. You can make other enhancements if you wish. With this program you can print range (line 100 to 150). I really like this.

Thanks to all for their help – Don Miller (newblist), Don Bakke, Cam Purdy, and Oystein Reigem for their expert help and friendly assistance.

You don't realize what a @#&**( job that OI does in printing SP or Events until you see this!! onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

At 15 JUN 2000 09:53AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Ray ..

Glad that it worked out for you. Will take a looksee.

Don M.

At 15 JUN 2000 10:23AM wrote:


Well you don't run this from a command line, but it works fine/easier. I just call the form from the system monitor (e.g., EXEC BLIST). From there I indicate whether I want to print a stored procedure or event script. Looks just like the old BLIST (line number and proper indentations), plus you can also print just a range of lines if you want. Proper heading, time datestamp, page number, more aestectically (sp) pleasing .

Oh yes, if you try to compile it, I left a spurious $insert there you will see it. Just delete it. SORRY everyone (consider this your notice)

Thanks for New.Blist and hope this works for you in OI. I latter found an earlier version of it (that you spoke of) that was from John Dunbar (hey there's an old name from the past). Among some of the changes, I used OIPI for better printing control, I also factored in "comment blocks", e.g. "/*……..*/".

I didn't implement or test all the options. I was mostly interested in printing and for that I must say that it is neat-toe!

Tally ho, and hope that this works for you. onmouseover=window.status=imagine … ;return(true)"

Symmetry Info

Ray Chan ~ Symmetry Info

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