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At 09 JAN 2002 02:49:27PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Hello all:

A couple of AREV 3.12 printing questions…

1) Trying to capture the IP address of a printer to LPT1 gives an error message which reads something to the effect of "cannot find shared computer or printer." How can I capture a printer with an IP address? Novell OS.

2) What are the options for printing to printers that do not support DOS at all? Is PDISK the best / only option?

Thanks much,

Mike O.

At 24 JAN 2002 02:38PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: should have the info on how to map the printer.

PDISK is the only way if you cannot map to an LPT port.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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