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At 05 MAR 1998 05:42:37AM Barry Stevens wrote:

I have had another look at the event designer write up (Chap 13), and I still dont quite understand, so I now have some questions.

Has any body used it.

If so, what events have been created and what parameters were used, what does it do.

What parameters can be used, only the ones that show in the standard events?

What triggers the event you create.

Is the event only created for the application you are in.

Global events (Enforce=Yes), to create code for them, do you still have to code the event in a dummy window and copy it from there.

Does the RDK deploy any new events & globals that are created.

Thank you

Barry Stevens

At 05 MAR 1998 07:53AM Cameron Revelation wrote:


Has any body used it.

Yes. I know I have.

If so, what events have been created and what parameters were used, what does it do.

In an earlier iteration of the tool, we created the TIMER and WINMSG events. I believe I used the tool to set up an event called VALIDERR that is dispatched on validation failure (one parameter, ErrorInfo).

More important, however, is the ability to determine which events are enforced. Before this tool, it was hard-coded (just the system-implemented events like GOTFOCUS and LOSTFOCUS) making it very difficult to provide promoted event handlers for events other than the system-implemented ones.

What parameters can be used, only the ones that show in the standard events?

Don't change the parameters of or add parameters to the core set of events defined by OpenInsight. You are able to set up the parameters for any events you add.

What triggers the event you create.

You do, or more correctly, you must.

Is the event only created for the application you are in.

No. The event configuration (SYSENV/CFG_EVENTS) applies to all applications.

Global events (Enforce=Yes), to create code for them, do you still have to code the event in a dummy window and copy it from there.

The manner of creating a promoted event has not changed. See an example which some bright young promising developer posted.

Does the RDK deploy any new events & globals that are created.

There are specific level events, those on your forms, which are delivered by the RDK as repository entities. The addition of new events are logged in the repository and delivered in the same way as existing events are.

There are promoted events, those not on your forms, which are delivered in a special way. The record which drives this special process is SYSENV/RDK_DEPLOYTABLES. I would suggest, though, that you simply make APPROW entities for the promoted events and deploy them in that manner since the SYSENV/RDK_DEPLOYTABLES record is often overwritten by an OI release.

Cameron Purdy

At 05 MAR 1998 08:23PM Barry Stevens wrote:


Thanks Heaps & Heaps


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