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At 09 OCT 2000 03:30:19PM Steve Carlson wrote:

Is it possible to enter a record ID in an edit line from a browser

, using oi, execute a dataset utilizing ODBC to access data in

another database ( maybe using a "read" button), and display the results of that dataset on the web page….

Any sugestons/help would be greatly appreciated.

If I can't do this it looks like we may have to rely on another product.


Steve C.

At 09 OCT 2000 05:03PM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:


Absoloutely- OI can do this- what are you after specifically?

I'd guess that on the HTML form you'd enter the ID, and on the SUBMIT button you'd call an INET procedure.

In this INET procedure (a function) you'd do an INET_QUERYPARAM to get the value of what the user entered. You'd then use the DSO and XO functions to connect to the ODBC data, select the rows, loop through them, and then return the results as HTML.

If you look at the help in OI on QryMethod it gives an example program that does almost everything you need.

Hope it helps-

Mike Ruane

At 10 OCT 2000 04:37AM Tim Marler @ Prosolve Software (UK) wrote:


We use the methods described by Mike to access SQL Server data with great success. Response times are good and our customers users are more than happy.

Tim @ Prosolve Software

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