OIPI and Page Length issues (OpenInsight 16-Bit Specific)
At 13 MAY 2002 05:38:56PM Loren Henry wrote:
We have a client that is having a problem with some OIPI reports. The same report can be run by several users. For some users, the report prints and previews successfully. For other users the report preview and printing only fills 3/4 of the page. They say that the data that should print on the bottom 1/4 of the page doesn't print at all, not even at the top of the next page. Anyone seen anything like this or have any ideas?
At 13 MAY 2002 06:09PM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status= Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
How much RAM do these people have? OIPI tends to rely on Virtual memory quite a bit.
At 14 MAY 2002 10:44AM Colin Rule wrote:
Check your paper size, eg A4 or Letter, in Print Setup.
Sometimes different users have different settings which may cause this.
Colin Rule
At 16 MAY 2002 03:29PM Tony Splaver wrote:
Hi Loren,
Do you check the return value from all Set_Printer() calls? Is it possible that your report found an OIPI error code, and stopped printing and not report it with a message box or something. For instance, if you check the return value from all Set_Printer() calls and a call to the BMP message failed on a computer (because the network drive mapping was not correct), and you call a general OIPI error handler that simply exits – then you might see this type of problem.
Another thing I always check is that the end user has the latest printer driver installed from the printer manufacturer's web site, because the printer control in the 16-bit OIPI is very sensitive to the features exposed by the printer driver (or not exposed in the mini drivers on the Windows setup CD). This usually fixes these "strange" problems.