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At 26 APR 2010 10:09:10AM ronald brown wrote:

Hi All,

 newbie question # 3
 I'm a newbie to OI. Just purchased OI 9.1 and have some questions that I generated going thru documentation, the website and just trying some things.
 I will post each as a new topic, so that they can be treated individually.
 TIA for helping with your ideas, suggestions and comments.
 Running OI 9.1, on a win xp client. The server is a windows 2000 server box, running Unidata, and an application called Manage 2000.
 In a client/server application there are times when I want the server to do the work and the client to just handle business rules. For example, a shipping application could check that the user selected the correct package type, for the shipping method. This would be business rules at the client. When the user ships the package, I want the server to handle the communications with the carriers web api. Doing the work on the server. This eliminates client firewall issues, security issues between multiple clients and the carriers web api, etc.
 Any issues splitting things up this way?



At 27 APR 2010 04:17AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Are you keeping your Unidata backend? If so, then that would probably be the place to do this backend processing. OI doesn't have server processing, per se, though you can mimic it with out of process engines.

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 27 APR 2010 12:58PM ronald brown wrote:


 Definitely keeping the Unidata backend. Just considering using OI to create a new front end, and expanding access thru the web



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